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Wednesday 28 December 2011

No Snow This Christmas But Xmas Lights Lend A Yuletide Feel

The dwellers of this house in Blandford Forum have put on a neighborly show of the light fantastic
and it's such a gloom lifter when you walk past as it sure does make many a person feel better !
Were you dreaming of a white Christmas? Although inconvenient the child in me was hoping that we would get more than a light sprinkling of snow this yuletide as it's so pretty and adds an extra photogenic quality to any landscape, villagescape, townscape or cityscape but alack alas it didn't happen so I guess that it wasn't meant to be ! I watched a Channel 4 OD program on my computer yesterday called King of Christmas Lights which is as you would probably obviously assume is a documentary dedicated to the subject of people who reside in virtually every street of Blandford Forum and the UK who LUUURV CHRISTMAS TIME & CHRISTMAS LIGHTS and who make their homes light fantastic Chistmas time show pieces.

Some of the people featured in the documentary spent up to £15,000 on tens of thousands of Christmas light bulbs in order to make their homes - or their parents homes Christmas decorative master pieces. Other neighbors mostly thought it was a fantastic show of Christmas and community spirit, however a few of the people in such neighborhoods felt it was tacky and garish and more about status and showing off. However that is not the impression that I got from the documentary or indeed the vibe I get from neighbors close by to where I live, I think that people who chose to decorate the outside of their homes with Christmas lights, genuinely love Christmas time in a childlike way perhaps more so than the average person and some people put Xmas lights on their homes in aid of charity - which begins at home ! excuse the sort of pun - and even those who aren't decking the walls with lights and plastic Santas are in a different way, still giving to their local community whilst expecting nothing in return, er and didn't Christ say something about "giving while expecting nothing in return" - so Christ himself would probably think that the whole festive residential Christmas light thing is really quite groovy...x

People that put Christmas lights on the exterior of their home
lend a spirit of community as well as Christmas to the neighborhood

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