I no longer live in Blandford Forum, so because the Blandford Buzz deserves to be kept alive and thrive I have decided to sell it. Once a sale has been agreed, I will update the template so it's responsive!

All interested parties please make me an offer and contact me at or 
I visit this email the most

Sunday 28 July 2013

The War Of The Bees...

Hi, it's been a while, I've been busy, busy, busy, anyway I thought I would break through the silence (lack of recent articles) on this blog, due to an interesting story on Yahoo news about a swarm of bees on a deadly rampage. This story caused me to think about dear old humble bumble bee Blandford Buzz.

If you clicked on the above link and read the article on Yahoo news, then you will know that the piece is about a swarm of approximately 30 thousand bees which attacked a Texan woman and her boyfriend - inflicting at least 250 stings between them, as well as killing two horses and five chickens.

Well this story got me thinking about the phenomenon known as sudden colony collapse disorder, my imagination started running wild, what if this mysterious disorder was really an orchestrated disappearance masterminded by the bees themselves? in order to wait and bide their time, gain strength and momentum and then suddenly, pre-emptively wage war with human kind due to the interference and destruction of the very habitats that the bees, including Blandford Buzz need in order to go about their busy lives of gathering pollen, making honey and supporting the eco system of planet Earth?

Are John Wyndham's The Day Of The Triffids and Daphne Du Maurier's / Hitchcock's The Birds - the fictional fore-bearers of a superior real life non fictional amassing of The War Of The Bees?...